CTJC: An Abstract Mandala Coloring Book for Adults
Looking for mandalas to color that are just different from the rest? Check out this abstract mandala adult coloring book, and discover why I just couldn’t figure out a title for this book!

The book that I literally couldn’t title
Not because I suddenly lost my faculties and forgot how to words.
Not because I was blanking as to its contents.
Not even because I stole the artwork and ran off cackling with it into the night.
The eclectic mandala coloring book that no title can quite describe
Although I can tell you the story of it, if you want.
I can tell you how I came up with the design that gave this book its theme.
In a pinch, I can even take you back to Venice. To a splendid autumn day and an architectural feature that absolutely blew me away. You know… Just Venice things.

I can tell you how I forgot all about it, and how I put it away for months and months and months… If you can say ‘months and months and months’ when you mean years instead.
And if you can call ‘out of sight, out of mind’ putting something away, rather than forgetting about its entire existence.
(Not to come over too predictable, but you know it’s the latter.)
And that still wouldn’t describe this coloring book.

At first, I was going to name it something to do with crystals…
…But that’s not really it. No single thing seems to be really it where these coloring pages are concerned.
I mean, the book does have a theme. All my coloring books have a particular theme.
The visual theme of CTJC just seems harder to pin down in a pinch; at a glance; in a handful of words.
Abstract mandalas ranging from simple to complex
Although I should probably say, abstract mandalas for adult coloring, ranging from pleasingly simple to finger-crampingly complex.

To be fair to your cramped fingers — acting as though starting on a coloring page means you can’t put it down — I’ve tried to alternate between the simpler and the more overwhelmingly complex patterns.
So the reward for finishing a complex mandala is getting an easier one, to give you time to refresh… Then, beautifying a simple mandala earns you the reward of an absolutely hair-tearing, tongue-biting, mind-teasing tangle of curves and lines.
The adult coloring book to last you a year?
Maybe. It all depends how fast or how far you color each page.
Because I have included over 125 mandalas in this coloring book… And most of them are not a walk in the park. As a matter of fact, they are so, so far from it.

They’re all beautiful, albeit more or less intricate mandalas you can make entirely your own. How fast and how far remains to be seen. And it’s something that depends entirely on you.
Challenge accepted? Then grab your stress-relieving abstract mandala coloring book today!
Work your way through this abstract mandala coloring book, and really feel like you’re working out your creativity and your pencils on every single page!